Living with Linux, Log #1


This log will denote a comparison between Linux Mint 17.3 and Manjaro 15.12

From a Facebook status update I wrote: 

“This is an interesting comparison considering these are two rather different operating systems from two different “lineages”. Manjaro is a derivative of Arch Linux, whereas Linux Mint is derived from Ubuntu (and Ubuntu is based off Debian).

I’ve had Linux Mint for a while now, and though I’ve loved it, I wanted to try my hand at Arch Linux. But before I could dive into that wonderful ocean headfirst, I wanted to test the waters with Manjaro. Honestly, though it’s day one, I may never try Arch Linux, but I also may never go back to Linux Mint. THAT’S how seamless it’s been with Manjaro.

The basics:

Manjaro uses a different packaging system called pacman. Not only is it less of a hassle than apt-get, it seems easier to maintain.   I picked up the command lines rather quickly.

Manjaro’s hardware detection is superior to Linux Mint’s. Not only did I not have to install the firmware to get my webcam working, the program I stopped using in Linux Mint for webcam recording actually works in Manjaro.

Mint wins for a larger user base, so there are more solutions to a number of problems. However, Manjaro also seems to have LESS of these problems. There’s no screen tearing in video streaming. There’s no having to fix suspend/restart/shutdown issues.

Mint also takes the cake for a decreased boot-up time, but Manjaro steals those points away by using the Xfce desktop environment more efficiently.

From where I stand, unless something magically breaks, Manjaro is my new go-to OS. Mint is great, but has too many simple problems that shouldn’t occur in the first place along with random breakage (software that would work one day would stop functioning the next).”

Until next time! 

It’s most of my experience too..