Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ya está entre nosotros, y esto es todo lo que tienes que saber

7 distros Linux ‘Made in Spain’ que también merece la pena conocer

Bash ha puesto el mundo al revés: Canonical lanza un tutorial para Windows 10

What is the Difference between Linux and Windows Hosting?

tech-park: Linux and Windows are two different types of operating systems. Linux is the most popular operating system for web servers. Since Linux-based hosting is more popular, it has more of the features web designers expect.  So unless you have websites which need specific Windows applications, Linux is the preferred choice.

Manjaro Linux JWM 16.04 Community Edition Boots with Less Than 120MB of RAM

Manjaro Linux JWM 16.04 Community Edition Boots with Less Than 120MB of RAM


The Manjaro Linux community was proud to announce on April 3, 2016, the release and immediate availability for download of the Manjaro Linux JWM 16.04 Community Edition operating system.

Powered by Linux kernel 4.4 LTS and based on the stable branch of the Manjaro Linux project, Manjaro Linux JWM 16.04 Community Edition includes the latest JWM (Joe’s Window Manager) lightweight stacking window manager for the X Window System, the LXDM login manager from LXDE, as well as the JWMConf conf… (read more)